Five Key Lessons About Effective Feedback  

Peg Buehrle

Managing Partner & Coach, Honest Truth

Pete McDowell

Senior Consultant, Remodelers Advantage

Five Key Lessons About Effective Feedback  

Lunch & Learn

Well intentioned and delivered feedback is an important element of every successful team. Here are 5 tips to help any leader, manager, or team member to build great relationships & results through the masterful use of feedback.

Peg & Pete will give real world examples for each of these strategies.

  1. If you want a particular behavior repeated, use positive, specific and timely feedback
  2. Be as good at receiving feedback as you are at giving it!
  3. Look for opportunities to provide feedback
  4. Use a “360 review” to get targeted feedback
  5. Identify focus areas of your business to observe & improve through feedback
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